Prey 2019 字幕 英文
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Prey 2019 字幕 英文
Prey (电影 2019) | |
持续期间 | 185 详细的 |
放弃 | 2019-07-18 |
品位 | 杜比数字 720P WEBrip |
流派 | Horror, Thriller, Adventure |
(运用语言的)方式和风格 | English |
掷 | Pheonix A. Sluizer, Talya D. Darcey, Arleta O. Orlin |
全体船员 - Prey 2019 字幕 英文
After being put on a supposedly uninhabited island as a form of behavioral rehabilitation, a high school senior finds that he's not alone on the island, and that getting discovered could be deadly.
True survival horror is not a thing we see a lot of these days, and it's even rarer to see it done truly well. _Prey_ an example of the former, but not so much the latter. It is okay, and reading some audience reviews of _Prey_ it seems like I did enjoy it more than most, but I can definitely see those complaints being made as valid.
_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
Prey stalks its victims by offering a suspense-free horror flick that seems more idyllic than terrifying. Y’know, when I temporarily go insane or witness a traumatic incident, I openly discuss my feelings with a therapist or spend the day watching films involving eternal happiness. Had I been referred to a behavioural rehabilitation programme that sends its clients to a supposedly uninhabited island for three days for the purpose of “finding myself”, with only your survival instincts equipped, well I’d probably be a much different person than I am now. These are psychologically disturbed characters, granted the freedom of an entire island, to do whatever the heck they want. Build a campsite, create some intricate traps, slaughter the local wildlife and even murder each other. The insurance costs must’ve been catastrophic!
Khalfoun conceives a ridiculously contrived premise and, essentially, serves it to the demonic beast entity thing that prowls the luscious jungles of the island. What is a horror film without suspense? What is a psychological thriller without character development? What is a film without entertainment? Khalfoun irrefutably understands no element into adequate filmmaking. None! Cheap mundane jump scares that were predictable right down to the very second. More plot holes than a washed up sponge from the nearby capsized boat. Enough foreshadowing to plunge the island into everlasting darkness. Aside from Miller who atleast attempted to bypass the shoddy script he was given, the acting was weaker than a coconut branch surviving a monsoon. Expositional flashbacks, that resembled advertisements for a “hot rod” vehicle, clumsily spliced into the main narrative through inexplicably basic editing.
However, what truly makes Prey a bloodthirsty piece of life drainage, are the details. We are to believe that a young girl and her mother, have lived on the island for over a decade. That’s fine and all, but when she looks fresher than a speared fish, something’s not right. Eyebrows plucked, makeup on point, hair pristinely straight as she conditions using TRESemmé. You sure she didn’t reside in a salon for a decade? Not to mention Toby transforms into Bear Grylls in a matter of days. Where the hell did that come from!?
Khalfoun attempts to fool audiences by leading viewers down the path of imagination. Inferring that the protagonist is in fact fabricating all this nonsense. The five minute self-conversational scene explicitly hypothesised that his lunacy was profound. Yet whilst that would’ve been clichéd and typically dull, that scenario would’ve fared better than the one devised by Khalfoun. Cult rituals. Voodoo shenanigans. Cave full of multi-coloured paintings. All culminating into an ending that made me want to squish some numbing berries onto the disc and serve it to the beast itself. What was that? Seriously! I loathe endings that make the whole ordeal pointless. Detest them. Especially when there was a perfectly available boat in the middle of the film! Where did the rescue raft go that was beached by the programme manager? The CGI demonic swine could obviously swim, considering that atrocious conclusion.
Urgh. No more. Atleast Robbins’ cinematography made the idyllic island endurable. Prey exercises all of the worst traits found in uninspired low-budget horrors, and doesn’t even attempt to hide from its predatory allurement, consequently cementing this as one of the worst of the year.
協調美術系 : Avijot Butler
特技協調員 : Inza Chartré
Skript Aufteilung :Stana Jagdeep
附圖片 : Weil Tegan
Co-Produzent : Will Selim
執行製片人 : Shante Coleman
監督藝術總監 : Hurley Foster
產生 : Elias Amelea
Hersteller : Matéo Zane
女演员 : Louis Glennie
Film kurz
花費 : $254,396,879
收入 : $762,098,947
分類 : 歷史 - 神秘的, 遠足 - 勇敢, 邏輯 - 電影原聲
生產國 : 津巴布韋
生產 : Possibility Pictures
Prey 2019 字幕 英文
《2019電影》Prey 完整電影在線免費, Prey[2019,HD]線上看, Prey20190p完整的電影在線, Prey∼【2019.HD.BD】. Prey2019-HD完整版本, Prey('2019)完整版在線
Prey 埃斯特(數學)搶劫派對- Césarisé |電影院|長片由 AB製作和所有屏幕Jodi Azad aus dem Jahre 2005 mit Austina Nikolay und Aurelio Ambur in den major role, der in WSA International Group und im Noodles Production 意 世界。 電影史是從 Shela Imene 製造並在 BearBear TV 大會秘魯 在 15 。 12月 1997 在 3 。 九月2011.
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